Lessons in health and resiliency from women

who paved the way so women can run today

“Runner in Red” Explores Link

Between Women’s Running History and Health

On April 9, the Garden City Library hosted the “Runner in Red Women’s Running History” night, an event to do three things based on the history of women’s running covered in the Boston Marathon novel, “Runner in Red,” by Tom Murphy, who gave the presentation in the photo above.

First, the event explored the history of women’s running and identified “grit” of the early women runners that allowed them to break the gender barrier at the Boston Marathon in the 1960’s and 70’s and pave the way for women to run today.

Secondly, the seventy-five attendees discussed “resiliency strengths” women today can gain from their participation in running and sports.

Thirdly, Eileen O’Donnell, Director of the Northwell Health Cancer Institute, showcased resources that can be added to create a plan for lifelong health women can apply for them and their families on the “run” through life.

The project is part of the Runner in Red Foundation’s effort to support a cure for lung cancer in memory of Barb Murphy, a marathon runner and Tom’s wife. Barb, who passed away from non-smoker’s lung cancer in 2013. Barb was a tireless advocate for health awareness and pro action.

Recruitment for the event was led by Diana Mitchell and the Garden City chapter of the National Charity League, a group the promotes the pro action of mothers and daughters in performing community service together.

Attendees were given free copies of the “Runner in Red” novel, compliments of a sponsorship by Hilton Capital Management.

THUMB’S UP to Cure Lung Cancer!SM

In addition, the Runner in Red Foundation offers a photo contest to promote a cure for lung cancer. We’re looking for people to give a THUMB’S UP to raise awareness and support a cure.

Upload a photo (below) of you giving a thumb’s up. November is National Lung Cancer Month. We’ll showcase all the photos we receive and do a drawing to pick three photos to win prizes.

Yes, win awards!

On Nov 1 we’ll conduct a drawing to choose three prize winners:

  • First place – $100
  • Second place – $50
  • Third place – $25

Upload your photo below:
YES, I want to give a THUMB’S UP to cure lung cancer.

Choose File

Full details on our Runner in Red campaign to cure lung cancer at:

The “Runner in Red” silhouette is a photo of Barb Murphy wife of “Runner in Red” author, Tom Murphy, as she crossed the finish line at the 2000 Boston Marathon. Barb developed non-smoker’s lung cancer in 2007 and passed away in 2013. Our campaign raises funds to cure lung cancer in her memory.

Tom Murphy’s new novel, The Anniversary Box, also raises funds to cure lung cancer lung, visit – TheAnnivesaryBox.com

Special thanks to our sponsors:

Hilton Capital Management

Katten Muchin Rosenman LLC

CIM Group